If a guest cancels a booking
RentalGuide24 will follow the host’s cancellation policy for this booking and time period. The website will inform the host of the cancellation and will also reset the host’s calendar so the property is available to rent again.
- If the cancellation is made 100 days or more prior to check-in:
No payment will be paid to host and the money will be returned to guest.
(The host’s listing will get Highlighted for 3 months for free)
- The Website’s “Non-refundable amount” will not be returned to guest.
If the cancellation is made 99 days or less prior to check-in:
- We will follow the host’s cancellation policy for this property and RentalGuide24 transfer the money to the host within 48 hours, if eligible.
- Any refunds to the guest will be in line with the cancellation policy refund set for this property, and a full or partial refund will be made to the guest, if eligible.
- The Website’s “Non-refundable amount” will not be returned to guest.
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The Guest Cancels a Confirmed Booking
If a guest cancels a booking
RentalGuide24 will follow the host’s cancellation policy for this booking and time period. The website will inform the host of the cancellation and will also reset the host’s calendar so the property is available to rent again.
- If the cancellation is made 100 days or more prior to check-in:
No payment will be paid to host and the money will be returned to guest.
(The host’s listing will get Highlighted for 3 months for free)
- The Website’s “Non-refundable amount” will not be returned to guest.
If the cancellation is made 99 days or less prior to check-in:
- We will follow the host’s cancellation policy for this property and RentalGuide24 transfer the money to the host within 48 hours, if eligible.
- Any refunds to the guest will be in line with the cancellation policy refund set for this property, and a full or partial refund will be made to the guest, if eligible.
- The Website’s “Non-refundable amount” will not be returned to guest.
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