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We encourage guests to write reviews to share their experience and any advice, which will help other customers when choosing a property to rent.

  • Reviews should stick to the facts and provide constructive information. The host can respond to reviews and should follow the same guideline.

  • RentalGuide24 check all reviews so please follow our guidelines.

  • Hosts/Owners can mention to guests that they are welcome to write a review, but should not push the guest. The offering of gifts, money, discounts or anything else in exchange for a review is not allowed.

  • It is entirely forbidden that either guests or hosts/owners blackmail or bribe each other to write a review, either positive or negative.

Guidelines for reviews

  1. Reviews should only be related to the actual reservation.

  2. Reviews are not allowed to disclose any full names, addresses or personal information. It is ok to use first names when writing the review.

  3. Reviews should not have any political, religious or social comments.

  4. RentalGuide24 have the right to cancel or delete any reviews which do not follow our guidelines or ethics. We believe in free speech.

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We encourage guests to write reviews to share their experience and any advice, which will help other customers when choosing a property to rent.

  • Reviews should stick to the facts and provide constructive information. The host can respond to reviews and should follow the same guideline.

  • RentalGuide24 check all reviews so please follow our guidelines.

  • Hosts/Owners can mention to guests that they are welcome to write a review, but should not push the guest. The offering of gifts, money, discounts or anything else in exchange for a review is not allowed.

  • It is entirely forbidden that either guests or hosts/owners blackmail or bribe each other to write a review, either positive or negative.

Guidelines for reviews

  1. Reviews should only be related to the actual reservation.

  2. Reviews are not allowed to disclose any full names, addresses or personal information. It is ok to use first names when writing the review.

  3. Reviews should not have any political, religious or social comments.

  4. RentalGuide24 have the right to cancel or delete any reviews which do not follow our guidelines or ethics. We believe in free speech.

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